EDUCATION WILL CHANGE when enough of us -- those who are tired of traditional school -- agree to advance in a common direction. That requires that we clarify the values and principles upon which we can unite AND those principles that can attract others to our shared cause.
In my journey, I have met people across the political spectrum, across race and class, across faith/non-faith traditions, across preferred educational models, and across country boundaries who agree on Three Overriding Principles for the Future of Education.
They are as follows:
1. THAT PARENTAL OWNERSHIP IS KEY. This means that particularly in the early years, parents -- not institutions -- will be the decision-makers. Parents will hold the cards.
2. THAT LEARNER AGENCY AND AUTONOMY IS KEY. This means that as quickly as possible, the learner (not institutions and not even the parent) will define the their learning direction, learning goals, markers of success, etc. This is radically personalized and oppositional to grades and standardization.
3. THAT THE GOAL OF EDUCATION IS TO PRODUCE INDEPENDENT THINKERS, LEARNERS, AND PROBLEM SOLVERS **FOR LIFE**. This accepts that the abundant access to information and technological advancement has fundamentally changed the role of teaching and learning. This accepts that all humans are now on a "100-year degree plan." That learning becomes ubiquitous, habitual, and available in an "ecosystem of learning" that will be accessed repeatedly over their entire lifespan.
IF YOU AGREE WITH 80% OF THE ABOVE, then I ask you to do three things:
1. Comment on WHY you agree and how you'd improve on these.
2. Subscribe to my newsletter to get weekly insights on topics related to these same things.
3. If you are a person of prayer as I am, then pray that every child the world over can grow up to fully realize their God-given gifts and potential.
-Matt Barnes, a Dad